Tuesday, February 12, 2013

 I'm sharing stories I've been sent or come across. Here's todays:


  1. These stories are making me mad. The lack of recourse and the fact that we all put up with it is very, well, creepy. There needs to be some competition for Facebook, since the attraction we all have is very real. This is what happens when there is a monopoly.

  2. thanks for taking a look, lesley. yes, funny how an entity initiated by people from a 'young' generation with ostensibly lofty goals ['let's find a way for people to connect and share', or,for that matter, google's motto 'don't do evil'] quickly become the establishment. the divide is greater in our time because big brother cannot be accessed. there's no place to go to with recriminations. i remember that line from the old cartoon, pogo: we have met the enemy and he is us.

    in the meantime: you may want to look at the page of an old friend of mine: Rosie Caninus...
